
The aim of the Academy for Research on Aging is to share knowledge about geriatrics and gerontology to students and professionals. Our courses are divided into three groups:

  1. In cooperation with the Medical University of Vienna, we will hold the course “Social Competence“. In this compulsory course, medical students are sensitized to an empathetic and human approach to geriatric patients.
  2. Chronisch Konkret: The aim of the event format is to enter into a structured professional dialogue with relevant stakeholders in order to enable the discussion of central topics in the field of chronic    diseases at regular intervals.
  3. As part of our “interdisciplinary training courses“, we are set to include a knowledge transfer between science and practitioners in the field of geriatrics and gerontology. Not only members of the association, but also external visitors are welcome to these training courses!
  4. Live long – die healthy. News from research and medicine on ageing“: course at the Medical University of Vienna. This lecture with seminar character deals with demographic development & biological ageing, frailty and health needs & promotion of older people, nutrition, exercise, as well as health, medical, nursing, integrated care of older people and perspectives on the end of life.
  5. Elective course Running Team MedUni Vienna. This course combines the following learning objectives: to improve the physical fitness and athletic performance of students, to promote the physical, mental and social health of students regardless of performance, to deepen the knowledge of physical training and health or exercise in the prevention, therapy and rehabilitation of disease in prospective doctors.
  6. Introduction to health science: The content of this course at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg focuses on health definitions, socio-economic status and health based on various models from social to health, health promotion projects: planning, implementation and evaluation with a focus on gerontology and health of older people based on specific health determinants.
  7. The course “Epidemiology” deals with epidemiological studies, epidemiological indicators and the associations of health determinants with the health status of a population. In particular, the focus is on the application of epidemiological methods and indicators to the physical activity and nutrition-related health of a population. The course takes place at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg.