KliMate – Conveying climate and health literacy by promoting active mobility and physical activity

The KliMate project’s aim is to promote the health, social participation and general climate adaptation of older people by means of individually tailored recommendations and social mediation formats for active mobility and physical activity. To this end, a participatory approach is being developed for promoting physical activity by means of an individual approach as well as a group-based format (café and storytelling sessions) for teaching climate and health skills that contribute to climate-friendly physical activity promotion. By increasing active mobility and social participation, the aim is to counteract the psychological and physical consequences of climate change (anxiety, depression, loss of sleep, cognitive decline, deterioration in cardiovascular health).

The positive potential of KliMate for older people lies in promoting health by increasing health literacy and active mobility through personalised exercise recommendations.

This also includes health protection, especially in relation to heat, other extreme weather events and pollen.

KliMate also contributes to the empowerment and self-empowerment of older people by promoting climate, health and digital skills.


Project partners: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (Projektlead), GeoSphere Austria – Bundesanstalt für Geologie, Geophysik, Klimatologie und Meteorologie, Karl Landsteiner-Gesellschaft – Verein zur Förderung der medizinisch-wissenschaftlichen Forschung, NOUS Wissensmanagement GmbH, Studio Dankl, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien

Duration: January 2024 – June 2026
Funds: FFG – Digitale Lösungen für Mensch und Gesellschaft 2022-2: Klimawandel & Gesundheit

The FFG is the central national funding organization and strengthens Austria’s innovative power. This project is funded by the FFG. www.ffg.at


Digibox – communication platform to support nursing and care

The aim of the research project is to facilitate the everyday working life of caregivers through tailored digitization. For this purpose, the communication platform “AmigoBox” of the association OSSI Austria – Open Source for Social Inclusion Austria, which has already been tested with elderly persons, is used as a starting point. The innovative interaction concept using contactless NFC technology will be evaluated and discussed together with caregivers. Subsequently, possibilities for the supportive use in nursing will be designed, which facilitate the daily work. Concepts derived from this will subsequently be implemented iteratively and according to the principles of human-centered design and tested in practice.

Project Partners: OSSI Austria – Open Source for Social Inclusion Austria (Projektlead), Fachhochschule Technikum Wien

Duration: October 2022 – April 2024
Funds: Arbeiterkammer Österreich – Digifonds

Smart Companion 2 – everyday devices as useful helpers and assistance systems in emergency situations

Based on the findings of the previous project, we are creating a prototype and testing whether it can meet the expectations in a test environment. Particular attention is being paid to the key components of fall detection and systems that can independently call for help. These include:

  • active emergency calls (i.e., the user calls for help),
  • appropriate device responses to unusual situations (i.e., the user does not respond and the device independently detects the emergency), and
  • fall prevention functions (i.e., the user is warned of potential obstacles).

In developing the system, we focus our research on the needs of future users, implement voice interaction systems as they are the most inclusive way of communication, use machine learning for emergency detection, and emphasize privacy, user-friendliness, and comfort in operating the assistance system.



Project Partners: Fachhochschule St. Pölten GmbH (Projektlead), Robert Bosch AG, Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Gruppe Linz

Project Website: https://research.fhstp.ac.at/projekte/smart-companion-2
Duration: March 2022 – February 2025
Funds: FFG – IKT der Zukunft



Linked Care – continuous information supply in mobile care and support

Linking and connecting, Linked Care is intended as a comprehensive digital system to ensure a stringent flow of information and a continuous supply of information in mobile care, assistance and therapy.

The demographic development causes a strongly growing need for care, assistance and therapy with a simultaneously decreasing supply of health professionals. This results in a high workload and, in addition, often different settings such as inpatient, day-care, mobile or private care, nursing and therapy intertwine. The exchange of information is often incomplete or requires a lot of additional time. The reason for this is the lack of interfaces and standards in IT systems and communication. The great differences in the type and scope of documentation cause additional work, because data must be recorded x times.

Projekt Partners: FH Campus Wien (Project Lead), Fachhochschule Technikum Wien, Universität Wien, myneva Austria GmbH, LOIDL Consulting & IT Services GmbH, Compugroup Medical CGM, Österreichische Apotheker-Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H., Steszgal Informationstechnologie GmbH, Johanniter Österreich Ausbildung und Forschung gem. GmbH, Wiener Rotes Kreuz- Rettungs-, Krankentransport-, Pflege- und Betreuungsgesellschaft m.b.H., Volkshilfe Gesundheits- und Soziale Dienste GmbH (GSD GmbH), Volkshilfe Wien gemeinnützige Betriebs-GmbH

Project Website:

Linked Care Logo

Duration: April 2021 – March2025
Call: FFG – benefit Demografischer Wandel Pflege Challenge